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Laser Therapy in Muscle Shoals

person getting laser therapy on kneeReduce swelling and inflammation with therapy that takes place on a cellular level. Laser therapy at Shoals Family Chiropractic is an adjunctive chiropractic care service that uses advanced scientific healing powers to offer a fast and full recovery in various situations.

From athletes recovering from injury to seniors with arthritis, many conditions and situations can benefit from laser therapy. Explore some of the more common use cases, and contact our Muscle Shoals office to see if Dr. Kyle thinks this service is advantageous for your specific needs.

Helping to Get Athletes Back in the Game

Injuries happen in sports, unfortunately, more often than we’d like to admit. As a former high school and college athlete, Dr. Kyle knows the stress of chronic and acute injuries.

Laser therapy is an excellent tool that can be used to facilitate accelerated recovery from sprains, broken bones, and more. Athletes benefit from reduced inflammation, decreased pain, and an improved range of motion. It enables them to heal completely and return to their sport faster.

Minimizing Scars’ Appearance

By targeting the cellular level in healing, laser therapy can minimize the appearance of scars, including decreasing the overall size of the mark. The approach offers hope to individuals who are self-conscious about their scars and are seeking to diminish or soften the impact.

A Healing Light for Chronic Ailments

Because of the infrared light and the heat used, laser therapy is also an excellent care option for those with arthritis or similar chronic conditions. As a targeted approach that can provide relief, this service can significantly impact your quality of life.

Laser therapy presents a non-invasive alternative for managing symptoms of ailments like plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sinus infections, and headaches. The pain associated with these conditions can be reduced simply because of laser therapy’s ability to decrease inflammation and promote tissue repair.

Book an Appointment Today

Laser therapy is a cash service; the typical visit takes between 30 and 45 minutes. Contact our office today to get started.

Laser Therapy Muscle Shoals, Florence, Sheffield, Tuscumbia AL | (256) 314-2213